In partnership
with Lycée Molière



The EEBA is now certified as an ‘EcoSchools” :

Since September 2021, the European School has decided to embark on its ecological transition by not only enrolling in the ‘EcoSchools’ certification process but also by developing permaculture projects to further transform the campus into a living laboratory of nature experience, learning, and wonder.

The uniqueness of the ‘EcoSchools’ label lies in placing students at the heart of the process, enabling them to become agents of change.

We extend our gratitude to our students and ‘EcoReps’ who have committed to promoting ecological values within the school and have led campaigns to reduce waste on campus and food waste in the cafeteria. We also thank all the teachers and staff members who have supported this initiative for nearly two years, especially Héloïse Coppée and Jean Michel Grangé.

Of course, our efforts do not stop with this label. We are undertaking other ecological projects to ensure that every day, all members of the school become aware of the need to address these issues while remaining clear-headed, joyful, and confident!

The expansion of the school orchard and its transformation into an edible forest is underway. This year, our project includes expanding vegetable-growing areas and utilizing rainwater harvesting.